The Airport Authority (AA) launched the HKIA Carbon Capacity Building Programme for airport business partners who have jointly committed with AAHK to achieve the Net Zero Carbon target. The Programme, in partnership with the Business Environment Council (BEC), aims to enable the airport community to gain wider recognition for their efforts and leverage insights from other sectors via BEC’s Low Carbon Charter (LCC). The LCC is a useful 5-step framework to move business partners with differing carbon maturity forward and training is provided under the Programme to ensure all business partners have the necessary skills to effectively manage carbon and plan for carbon reduction initiatives.
The first event was held online on 4 Mar 2022 to provide further information on the programme with guest speakers Sophie Punte from We Mean Business Coalition to provide insights on how climate change is impacting businesses from international perspective. Prof. Christine Loh also talked about the local drivers and corporate responsibility to decarbonisation.