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Community Investment

Working Holiday@Lantau
The Pioneer

To contribute to the social and economic growth of Hong Kong, in particular Lantau and other neighbouring communities, by nurturing talent, realising the potential of individuals, and encouraging participation in aviation-related industries.

Based on the Airport Authority’s (AA) vision for community investment, a feasibility study was conducted in 2015 to identify the needs of our neighbouring communities, and to develop pilot project ideas that focus on people development. The EXTRA MILE project was rolled out in early 2018 - a collective platform for AAHK and participating business partners (BPs) to attract and retain talent for the airport community by investing in, and unleashing the potential of, three specific target groups. The three target groups are working youth, non-Chinese speakers and airport staff with children.

The Concept of EXTRA MILE

The EXTRA MILE project looks beyond mainstream corporate social responsibility, aiming to create shared value for the community as well as the AA and its BPs by addressing social issues from a business perspective.


Business Value

Attract and retain talent for HKIA and its business partners


Creating Shared Value (CSV)


Social Value

Create employment and upward mobility opportunities for the community

A Collaborative Model

The EXTRA MILE project is a collaborative platform for the AA, BPs in the airport community and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to invest in the community while addressing current and future labour challenges. In 2018, we have launched three programmes, namely “Working Holiday@Lantau”, “The Pioneer” and “EduCare”, which focus on the three service targets.

About the Three Pilot Programmes


Working Holiday@Lantau is a one-year work placement programme encompassing accommodation and exploratory elements to motivate working youth and facilitate their people skill development. Please click here for more details.

The Pioneer is a one-year work placement programme for non-Chinese speakers (NCS) with leadership potential to nurture team leaders who may act as a bridge between local supervisors and NCS employees. Please click here for more details.

EduCare is a one-academic-year after-school care programme for Tung Chung primary school children whose parents are working at HKIA, covering tutorial services, exposure programmes and family support. Please click here for more details.

Our Partners

Together, we go the EXTRA MILE to invest in our community.

Community Partners:

Strategic Partners: