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Important Notice
Airport Authority

Request for Information

Request for Information for Provision of Autonomous Electric Shuttle Bus and/or Cellular Vehicle-To-Everything (C-V2X) Infrastructure at the Hong Kong International Airport (AESBCV2X/RFI/2025)

Airport Authority (“the Authority”) is responsible for the management, operation and maintenance of Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA). The Authority is currently exploring application of autonomous electric shuttle bus and/or C-V2X infrastructure to support future transportation demand.

The Authority hereby invites any interested party or Respondent in this Request for Information (RFI) to express its interest by submitting response.

Any interested Respondent who wish to express its interest should forward their company name and address, together with the name, position and e-mail address of their contact person on company letterhead by e-mail to

Respondent may, upon presentation of the aforesaid company and contact information and confidentiality undertaking, receive the RFI documents by email. 

Respondent in response to the invitation shall comply with the instructions set out in the RFI documents and be submitted to email address mentioned above no later than 12:00 noon on 18 March 2025 (Hong Kong local time).
Neither this Invitation for RFI nor any document contained / response received will constitute or form part of any Contract with the Authority or constitute any representation or warranty on the part of the Authority. 

All costs and expenses incurred for or in connection with any response to this invitation, including the preparation and/or submission of the response(s), shall be entirely the sole responsibility of the Respondent without recourse to the Authority.