Enhancing Staff Engagement

An engaged workforce sharing the same vision and values to make HKIA the pride of Hong Kong is essential to our success.

Competitive remuneration

AAHK offers a comprehensive and competitive remuneration package, including medical and dental coverage, insurance plans, retirement schemes and the Airport Preschool Subsidy, to our staff. In 2018/19, we continued to enhance staff benefits by introducing birthday leave, extending maternity leave to 14 weeks and enhancing medical benefits.

Employee communication

The Employee Communication Framework was developed to facilitate an open communication culture that encourages collaboration and teamwork. Through various communication platforms, we cascade corporate messages, listen to employees’ voice, and promote cross-departmental communication.

Employee Communication Framework

Cascade Corporate Message
Listen to Employees' Voice
Promote Cross Departmental / Team Communication

AA Staff Club

The AA Staff Club, sponsored by AAHK, organises regular recreational, social, sports and interest group activities on a regular basis.

Various activities organised by the AA Staff Club