"Our sustainability vision is to strengthen HKIA’s ability to operate and grow profitably in a changing and challenging economic, ecological, technological and social environment, while developing a robust culture of sustainability throughout the organisation."
Within AAHK, sustainability is managed through different entities within the organisation.
We outsource many of the airport’s operational functions to franchisees, tenants and Government departments. We therefore adopt a three-pronged approach to sustainability management. The principles of ‘Control, Guide and Influence’ reflect the different levels of control we exercise over the various aspects of airport operation.
As a public organisation, we engage with a wide range of stakeholders to better understand and respond to their needs, make better-informed business decisions, and better manage the resulting impact of these decisions. We define stakeholders as groups that interact with us and are influenced by, have an influence over, or have a vested interest in HKIA or AAHK.
We continue to adopt a range of engagement approaches that are most appropriate to the different types of stakeholders, engagement objectives and any existing engagement mechanisms and commitments.