EV100: Transiting to Low-Emission Mobility
Electric vehicle (EV) deployment has been growing rapidly over the past ten years, with the global stock of electric passenger cars passing 5 million in 2018*. With businesses owning over half of all new registered vehicles on the road, it is crucial that companies continue to lead the shift to EVs. To this end, The Climate Group has initiated EV100, a global initiative with the aim of making EVs the new normal by 2030. Since its launch in September 2017, 50 major companies with over US$900 billion in combined revenue have joined to accelerate the transition to EVs (as of July 2019).
EV100 at HKIA
In July 2019, AAHK joined the EV100 initiative in support of its greenest airport pledge. AAHK has committed to increase the number of electric powered vehicles operating at the HKIA to over 3,000 by 2030, and to provide over 1,320 charge points to support the operations. A core part of AAHK's electrification plan is the HKIA Ground Services Equipment Pooling Scheme, which helps to increase ground operational efficiency and to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions associated with airport operations.
* IEA (2019), "Tracking Transport", IEA, Paris https://www.iea.org/reports/tracking-transport-2019